17.07.2023“I can do it!” Founders are characterized by optimism, resilience and self-efficacy conviction. All values are measurable and trainable. Why is that?
Successful founders have strong personal resources. They are particularly optimistic, resilient and at the same time convinced of their own effectiveness. This entrepreneurial capital can be measured, and trained in every person. Learn how successful founders harness their entrepreneurial capital to thrive in challenging times.“I can do it!”
03.10.2024“Humans are both the brain and the heart of organizations.” Dear Miriam, AI as the brain and humans as the heart of an organization – is that what a bright future in companies will look like?
That would be a misconception: Humans are both the brain and the heart of organizations, and AI supports people in their work. AI is incredibly good at answering questions, but humans are much better at selecting the right questions. And implementing things with heart.“Humans are both the brain and the heart of organizations.”
04.09.2024“Leaders need to get employees out of their comfort zones.”Dear Hans Werner, you write that the latest brain research has debunked long-held myths about the fundamental limits and motivations of people. What myths are these and what new findings should make leaders in particular pay attention?
The most significant realization is the importance of sufficient sleep, exercise and nutrition and their interplay for long-term cognitive …“Leaders need to get employees out of their comfort zones.”
22.04.2024“We are not looking for consultants, we are looking for people who fit in well with us.”Hi Tom, this week we’re looking at the question of why companies should even bother assessing candidates in depth if they don’t have much choice anyway. What would be your spontaneous answer to companies that think this way?
This is probably more about internal and external employer branding …“We are not looking for consultants, we are looking for people who fit in well with us.”
04.12.202413 + 1 Bias in Recruiting: How to Recognize and Overcome Them to Find Truly Suitable Candidates Bias – unconscious thought patterns – can influence our perceptions and decisions. In the context of recruitment, bias can result in unfair evaluations of candidates, leaving potential untapped. This guide outlines common bias, their impact, and strategies to avoid them. 13 + 1 Bias in Recruiting: How to Recognize and Overcome Them to Find Truly Suitable Candidates
20.03.202573% of all talents are ready to make a move – but only if you do!The shortage of skilled workers is reaching new record levels: according to a study by ManpowerGroup, 86% of German companies are struggling to find talent. When promising candidates suddenly drop out or are lured away by counter-offers, it’s not only frustrating but also expensive. Unfortunately, this is exactly what often happens73% of all talents are ready to make a move – but only if you do!
21.10.2024AI in HR: Overcome the fear, embrace the opportunities!AI is neither all good nor all bad. Used correctly, it can improve the lives of many people in general and working life in particular. New opportunities are opening up in HR recruitment and development in particular, without people being ” sorted out ” or replaced by technology. Let’s take a look at what is important for a fearless, constructive and responsible approach to AI in HR. AI in HR: Overcome the fear, embrace the opportunities!
15.02.2024AI literacy: These are the key skills for modern HR workThe use of AI systems will revolutionize the HR sector. Not using AI is no longer an option. It is now a matter of developing the necessary skills to be able to use the technology in a targeted manner. HR professionals need to start equipping themselves with the knowledge they need to use AI tools effectively while retaining the invaluable human judgment that machines cannot replace. AI literacy: These are the key skills for modern HR work
22.05.2023AI vs. Human Intelligence: Understanding the advantages and shortcomings of Artificial IntelligenceExamining the differences between AI and Human Intelligence, and how they can work together to drive Innovation. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic in recent years, with advancements in technology and machine learning leading to significant improvements in areas such as natural language processing and Machine vision. But while AI has many strengths, it also has its limitations.AI vs. Human Intelligence: Understanding the advantages and shortcomings of Artificial Intelligence
17.05.2023Attention, narcissism! Unveiling the truth about narcissism and its impact on teams and companies, discover how AI can now recognize such behavior. From charismatic allure to detrimental consequences, narcissists can disrupt success in various ways. Explore the prevalence of narcissistic traits in executive suites and the alarming trends among younger generations. Discover the profound negative effects narcissism has on teams and organizations, from prioritizing personal goals over …Attention, narcissism!
18.11.2024Between Trump, zero-motivation-days and the “Robin Hood of talent”Donald Trump will be the next US president. And in social networks, the concept of paid “zero-motivation-days” is being discussed, that is days off for employees without them having to call in sick or take vacation days. Two topics, although of different dimensions, which for us lead to one conclusion: Companies must start to face their responsibility! Between Trump, zero-motivation-days and the “Robin Hood of talent”
23.11.2023Building Trust with Explainable AI: Techniques and ApproachesAs AI becomes more pervasive in our lives, it’s becoming increasingly important to understand how these systems work and to be able to trust their decisions. Explainable AI (XAI) is a growing field that aims to create more transparent and interpretable machine learning models.Building Trust with Explainable AI: Techniques and Approaches
03.10.2024Employee analysis with AI: Make transparent what makes us transparent!How much transparency is good for people and companies? – In times of Artificial Intelligence, the question of transparency has come back into focus. While we had slowly become accustomed to moving through the analogue and digital world as “transparent people”, the question of how transparent people and processes may, should and must be takes on new relevance due to the increased use of AI. Employee analysis with AI: Make transparent what makes us transparent!
29.02.2024Employee diagnostics: What do you care about my personality?How much “humanity” is good for organizations would be answered very differently by people from different philosophies. On the one hand, there are those who say that we can only do good work if we are allowed to be ourselves in a professional context, with the full range of our characteristics, feelings and needs. This view has become very popular with the New Work movement.Employee diagnostics: What do you care about my personality?
07.05.2024Empowered teams: doing the right thing (instead of doing everything right)What is more important on the job – doing things right or doing the right things? – Most people will probably answer “both”. Nevertheless, in the context of changing corporate cultures, it is worth thinking about this question in its absolute either-or variant. Empowered teams: doing the right thing (instead of doing everything right)
10.01.2024Everyone wants these five colleagues in 2024From “prompt engineer” to “AI ethicist” to “avatar fashion designer” – new technology is not only eliminating jobs, it is also creating many new fields of activity. This inspired us to think about the hurdles that HR managers in particular are currently facing and what support, new roles or professions there should be in HR to overcome them. Everyone wants these five colleagues in 2024
23.01.2025Expensive, unloved employees: How to avoid bad hires The start of the year traditionally brings movement into the company. Employees leave, others have to fill the gap, and new employees have to be found and trained at the same time. And the question always arises: How do we ensure that the next person really fits in with us? That they won’t leave for new shores at the next full moon or turn of the year? Expensive, unloved employees: How to avoid bad hires
20.02.2025Finding the right talent does not allow for compromises! Applicants want a fast, appreciative application process – companies, on the other hand, need a lot of information to prevent wrong hires, as well as efficient and structured processes to keep costs low and not make themselves liable to legal action. How does HR find the balance – and the best talent at the same time? Finding the right talent does not allow for compromises!
03.10.2023From Quiet Quitting to Quiet Thriving: How AI promotes a proactive work cultureEvery movement has its counter-movement. This is also the case in HR. While “Quiet Quitting” describes a state in which employees only do the bare minimum, “Quiet Thriving” is a concept that encourages people to actively and creatively participate in their work sphere.From Quiet Quitting to Quiet Thriving: How AI promotes a proactive work culture
30.05.2024Good leadership: With self-reflection and toxicity filterA good leader – is that something you are or is that something you become? – Let me put it this way: you are one if you are willing to become one. In other words, leadership requires a willingness to develop. Leading always means learning to lead. It is an ongoing process that is never finished, especially in the fast-paced world we live in.Good leadership: With self-reflection and toxicity filter
04.11.2024Hierarchy with AI rather than everyone at eye level?Companies promote flat hierarchies and a culture at eye level in order to attract skilled workers. That sounds very progressive and good for employees at first glance. But why do so many people still leave the company after a short time? Why is retention, i.e. retaining talent in the organization, still one of the major challenges? Hierarchy with AI rather than everyone at eye level?
25.01.2024How AI can save your HR budget.According to a study by Glassdoor, companies experience an increase in applications in January, while at the same time employee turnover goes up. For HR, this means juggling between recruiting new talent, conducting appreciative offboarding and keeping the existing workforce happy, often with limited budgets.How AI can save your HR budget.
03.11.2023How Companies Get to the Bottom of Quiet QuittingThe topic of “Quitting” is stirring the HR world. People seem to be resigning in very different ways. Sometimes very officially, increasingly internally, often silently. Yet, what does it say about our work environment when people who do what is expected of them (no less, but also no more) are referred to as “Quitters”? – However, we don’t want to become too philosophical here.How Companies Get to the Bottom of Quiet Quitting
20.09.2024How to find and promote optimistic and resilient employeesToday’s working world puts the resilience and optimism of many people to the test. Digitalisation and automation require employees to regularly adapt to new technologies and working conditions. This calls not only for flexibility, but also emotional stability. According to the ‘State of the Global Workplace’ report by Gallup (2022), 44% of employees worldwide stated that they are under stress every day. How to find and promote optimistic and resilient employees
27.03.2024HR should focus far more on personalities!Personality first – this is one of the most important trends in dealing with talent. Why? The so-called “hard” skills that companies need are changing faster than ever before. Today’s expert skills will be yesterday’s news tomorrow. What remains are the supposedly “soft” skills and people’s personalities. The better companies know their employees, the better they can…
HR should focus far more on personalities!
04.09.2024Hybrid work personality: The ‘person first’ approach and the role of AIAI-based personality assessments can make a significant contribution to optimizing hybrid working environments. A recent survey found that 8 out of 10 employers have lost talent due to the obligation to return to the office, underlining the need for a balanced and personalized approach. ‘Person first’ as an extension of “people first”. Hybrid work personality: The ‘person first’ approach and the role of AI
15.11.2024KI kann die Vorarbeit machen, dann kommt es auf die Führungskräfte an.Interview mit Gregor Mielke von der HPO Research Group
Lieber Gregor, als HPO Group habt ihr schon vielen Organisation geholfen, ihre Organisationskultur weiterzuentwickeln. Dass es mit dem Kickertisch nicht getan ist, dürfte mittlerweile bei den meisten angekommen sein. Erzähl doch mal: Was heißt Kulturwandel in Organisationen für dich bzw. euch? KI kann die Vorarbeit machen, dann kommt es auf die Führungskräfte an.
03.08.2023Lead Effectively: Speak 20%, Actively Listen 80%!**(Spoiler: AI makes it possible)
Hand on heart: Do you know the current state of well-being of your employees? Do you understand their worries, challenges, and feelings? Do you know what truly moves them, what challenges they face, what is going well for them, and where they urgently need support?Lead Effectively: Speak 20%, Actively Listen 80%!*
14.03.2024Measuring the GenZ: Lost in translation is so 2003“Too leisure-oriented? – We’re just hard-working in a different way.” was the headline of the brandeins magazine in September 2020, using many examples to draw a picture of a Generation Z that is changing the world of work practically “on the job”. The new generation of employees is neither lazy nor inherently less well educated than previous generations, , even if they are repeatedly accused of being so.Measuring the GenZ: Lost in translation is so 2003
20.12.2023Missed the boat on AI? How companies are catching upArtificial intelligence – we don’t need it. Many companies would probably have signed this sentence a year ago. ChatGPT had been released a few weeks earlier. Today, no company can avoid the question of what it is already using AI systems for. Missed the boat on AI? How companies are catching up
09.01.2025More Evolution, Less Disruption: 5 tangible HR trendsFor companies, 2025 means less disruptive change and more evolutionary growth. In view of the overall social situation, especially with the rise of populism, the pressure is increasing not only economically, but also in interpersonal relationships. This is where companies need to take a closer look. It is more important than ever to fill key positions with people who …More Evolution, Less Disruption: 5 tangible HR trends
12.12.2023Natural Language Processing in BusinessAs businesses become more customer-centric, understanding customer needs and wants is becoming increasingly important. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers.Natural Language Processing in Business
06.02.2025New Leadership: Nice is the little brother of toxic. We think it is right and important that we as a society discuss topics such as “toxic masculinity” and clearly name corresponding misconduct as such. Language shapes our being and our consciousness; We can only describe problems and thus make them discussable if we have words for them. Toxic is such an important word. New Leadership: Nice is the little brother of toxic.
08.05.2023NLP 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Natural Language ProcessingNatural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of study that focuses on analysis and synthesis of human language. NLP is a fascinating and rapidly evolving field with a wide range of applications, from chatbots and virtual assistants to sentiment analysis and machine translation. NLP 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Natural Language Processing
11.04.2024Recruit the curious!“We run this company on questions, not answers.” This sentence comes from Eric Schmidt, Google’s former CEO. It makes it clear which characteristic the company values most in new employees: Curiosity. The recruiting strategy is correspondingly consistent: when the company was looking for engineers, it published a huge billboard with a riddle.Recruit the curious!
05.03.2025Recruiting in transition: Why “Hire & Pray” is no longer enough It is said that diamonds are only created under pressure. We wouldn’t agree with this saying when it comes to recruiting. Under pressure, our judgment suffers. Under pressure, suitable candidates are more easily overlooked or applicants are hired overhastily who later turn out not to be suitable. The cost of bad hires runs into the hundreds of thousands.Recruiting in transition: Why “Hire & Pray” is no longer enough
24.04.2024The self-made skills shortageWhy should we analyze applicants in depth if we have no choice about who we hire anyway? We hear this question a lot. It reflects the frustration many companies feel about the lack of skilled workers. And rightly so? – We say: Yes and no. For one thing, we think that the shortage of skilled workers is not a “force of nature” that companies are helplessly exposed to.
The self-made skills shortage
09.10.2023What is Entrepreneurial Capital that we measure at Zortify?Entrepreneurial capital is like a secret weapon for business people, whether you are an entrepreneur, corporate employee or leader – you want to score high in entrepreneurial capital. It’s made up of certain mental powers that help you do well in your work and handle challenges bravely. It’s not about skills or personality traits, it’s about your mindset, how you think and deal with things.What is Entrepreneurial Capital that we measure at Zortify?
08.09.2023Why Due Diligence matters: The importance of personality analysis in investment decisionsDue diligence is a crucial part of any investment decision, especially when it comes to startups. While financial, legal, and tax aspects are often thoroughly examined, there is one aspect that is sometimes overlooked: the personality of the founders.Why Due Diligence matters: The importance of personality analysis in investment decisions
08.07.2023Why should psychology be considered in due diligence?When it comes to conducting due diligence, most people focus on analyzing financial statements, legal documents, and other technical information. However, it’s important not to overlook the role of psychology in due diligence. Here are some reasons why psychology should be considered when conducting due diligence.Why should psychology be considered in due diligence?
19.12.2024Year 2 Post-GPT: How My Year Was Shaped and Why Work Must Remain Human December 2024 – or, in the new chronology, Year 2 Post-GPT – marking two years since the go-live of the first version of ChatGPT. Requests like “Write a rhyming speech for my aunt Hannelore’s 60th birthday” or “Draft an outline for a whitepaper on the impact of generative AI on talent acquisition” – OpenAI’s chatbot has become an indispensable tool for many since November 2022, serving as both collaborator and colleague.Year 2 Post-GPT: How My Year Was Shaped and Why Work Must Remain Human
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