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Das Unternehmen XYZ wurde 1971 gegründet und versorgt die Öffentlichkeit seither mit qualitativ hochwertigen Produkten. An seinem Standort in einer kleinen Großstadt beschäftigt der Betrieb über 2.000 Menschen und unterstützt die Stadtbewohner in vielfacher Hinsicht.

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  • SAP
  • SnT
  • Salonkee
  • Meluxina
  • SAP
  • SnT
  • Salonkee
  • Meluxina
  • HPO Research Group
  • Digital Learning Hub
  • Mitsubishi Electric
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  • HPO Research Group
  • Digital Learning Hub
  • Mitsubishi Electric
  • Logo ada
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04.09.2024 Hybrid work personality: The ‘person first’ approach and the role of AI AI-based personality assessments can make a significant contribution to optimizing hybrid working environments. A recent survey found that 8 out of 10 employers have lost talent due to the obligation to return to the office, underlining the need for a balanced and personalized approach. ‘Person first’ as an extension of “people first”. Hybrid work personality: The ‘person first’ approach and the role of AI
17.07.2023 “I can do it!”  Founders are characterized by optimism, resilience and self-efficacy conviction. All values are measurable and trainable. Why is that?  Successful founders have strong personal resources. They are particularly optimistic, resilient and at the same time convinced of their own effectiveness. This entrepreneurial capital can be measured, and trained in every person. Learn how successful founders harness their entrepreneurial capital to thrive in challenging times. “I can do it!” 
Interview with Miriam Mertens, CEO of DeepSkill
03.10.2024 “Humans are both the brain and the heart of organizations.”  Dear Miriam, AI as the brain and humans as the heart of an organization – is that what a bright future in companies will look like? That would be a misconception: Humans are both the brain and the heart of organizations, and AI supports people in their work. AI is incredibly good at answering questions, but humans are much better at selecting the right questions. And implementing things with heart. “Humans are both the brain and the heart of organizations.” 
04.09.2024 “Leaders need to get employees out of their comfort zones.” Dear Hans Werner, you write that the latest brain research has debunked long-held myths about the fundamental limits and motivations of people. What myths are these and what new findings should make leaders in particular pay attention? The most significant realization is the importance of sufficient sleep, exercise and nutrition and their interplay for long-term cognitive … “Leaders need to get employees out of their comfort zones.”
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01.01.1970 Mitarbeitende tauschen Geld gegen Wertschätzung
01.01.1970 Mitarbeitende tauschen Geld gegen Wertschätzung
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