Zortify in the media

AI-Powered HR: Reducing Costs And Avoiding Bad Hires Image

Silicon Luxembourg

AI-Powered HR: Reducing Costs And Avoiding Bad Hires

At the start of a new year, companies often see a rise in job applications alongside increased employee turnover. For HR, this means managing recruitment, offboarding, and retention, often with tight budgets. Hiring the wrong candidate can add further strain, as turnover costs range from 100% to 300% of an employee’s salary.

The Top 25 Tech Companies Of 2024 Preferred By ‘Silicon Luxembourg’ Readers Image

Silicon Luxembourg

The Top 25 Tech Companies Of 2024 Preferred By ‘Silicon Luxembourg’ Readers

Here are the tech companies that you, our readers, searched for most on our website in 2024. These companies illustrate the diversity and dynamism of Luxembourg’s tech ecosystem. 1. Salonkee… 2. Wedely … 25. Zortify

Embracing AI for People Due Diligence Image

Private Equity – Insight/Out

Embracing AI for People Due Diligence

In the high-stakes world of Venture Capital and Private Equity, due diligence is a crucial process, traditionally focused on financials, market opportunities, and competitive positioning. However, an often overlooked component is the people behind these numbers. People due diligence, i.e. assessing the behaviors, leadership styles, and potential of key executives, should be a fundamental part of both initial and ongoing evaluations.

Zortify setzt neue Maßstäbe in der HR-Technologie Image

L’essentiel – Made in Luxembourg

Zortify setzt neue Maßstäbe in der HR-Technologie

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) hat sich in vielen Bereichen des täglichen Lebens etabliert. Ob beim Kaffeekochen, Shoppen oder Übersetzen von Texten – KI erleichtert zahlreiche Aufgaben. Darüber hinaus optimiert sie technische Prozesse und unterstützt Arbeitsabläufe, wodurch sie zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug wird, um mit der zunehmenden Komplexität unserer Gesellschaft umzugehen.

L’IA au service des ressources humaines Image

Le Quotidien

L’IA au service des ressources humaines

Zortify utilise l’intelligence artificielle pour aider les entreprises à recruter. Ses chercheurs ont mis au point un questionnaire qui permet de déterminer la personnalité d’un candidat. Si l’on entend parler partout d’intelligence artificielle, difficile parfois de comprendre à quoi elle peut bien servir. Entre les entreprises qui n’hésitent pas à communiquer sur la moindre application de cette technologie, …

Wie soll die perfekte Führungskraft (nicht) sein? Image

Human Resources Manager

Wie soll die perfekte Führungskraft (nicht) sein?

In Einstellungsprozessen möchte sich jede:r von der besten Seite zeigen. In diesem Zusammenhang spielt die Dunkle Triade der Persönlichkeit, bestehend aus Narzissmus, Machiavellismus und Psychopathie, eine besondere Rolle. Menschen mit hohen Merkmalsausprägungen der Triade werden zunächst als charismatisch, eloquent, unterhaltsam, mutig und durchsetzungsstark wahrgenommen.

Analyser la personnalité d'un candidat grâce à l'IA Image


Analyser la personnalité d’un candidat grâce à l’IA

Zortify est l’une des start-ups s’appuyant sur l’intelligence artificielle les plus florissantes et innovantes du pays. Ses fondateurs, Florian Feltes et Marcus Heidbrink, prenant conscience du potentiel de la technologie de traitement du language naturel, ont développé une solution permettant d’analyser la personnalité d’un candidat ou d’un collaborateur. Pages 61-63

10 Luxembourg Startups To Keep an Eye On In 2024 Image


10 Luxembourg Startups To Keep an Eye On In 2024

Luxembourg’s startup scene is buzzing with innovation and potential. As we head into 2024, there are several startups emerging as leaders in their respective fields. From AI-driven analytics to sustainable social media, these ten companies are reshaping the future of technology and business. Here’s a glimpse into what makes each of them stand out. 7. Zortify: AI-Driven Personality Insights

Vier-Tage-Woche dank Künstlicher Intelligenz?  Image

Luxemburger Wort

Vier-Tage-Woche dank Künstlicher Intelligenz?

Experten diskutieren auf der Summer School von Zortify über die Zukunft der Arbeitswelt. “Die Zukunft der Arbeit ist etwas, das mich seit 40 Jahren beschäftigt”, sagt Lieven Lambrecht, Personalchef des Beratungsunternehmens PwC Luxembourg, Ihm zufolge ist für die Generation die heute herangewachsen is, Arbeit etwas ganz anderes als für ältere Generationen.

Zortify Summer School Brings Together Researchers, Industry Players to Explore Future of Work Image


Zortify Summer School Brings Together Researchers, Industry Players to Explore Future of Work

Luxembourg-based human resources (HR) technology company Zortify held its first Summer School dedicated to “The Future of Work” from Monday 28 August to Friday 1 September 2023. A group of 27 PhD students, postdocs and researchers from Luxembourg and beyond (US, India, China, etc.) gathered in the Grand Duchy to address the future of work.

Zortify’s Future of Work Summit Explores AI and Human-Centred Workforces Image

ChatGPT Global

Zortify’s Future of Work Summit Explores AI and Human-Centred Workforces

Luxembourg-based human resources (HR) technology company, Zortify, recently hosted its inaugural Summer School on The Future of Work. The week-long event brought together 27 PhD students, postdocs, and researchers from Luxembourg and around the world to delve into various topics related to the future of work. Key focus areas included human experience management (HXM), …

Back to school: Zortify’s data-driven future of work Image


Back to school: Zortify’s data-driven future of work

Luxembourg tech startup Zortify is running a five-day summer school in August on the “future of work.” Why go to school at a startup? And what kind of future are they selling? What does it mean for a tech startup to run a “summer school” and for the bulk of its applicants–so far, anyway–to be from the world of academia and not industry? At the very least, it suggests that the line between university research wing and …

Pioneering "Human Experience Management" Image


Pioneering “Human Experience Management”

On 10 May, Silicon Luxembourg invited Luxembourg’s HR Award Winner Zortify for its monthly Techie Night! Here is what co-founder & CEO Florian Feltes had to say. What services does Zortify offer? Zortify assists in informed, unbiased, and objective decision-making with the help of artificial intelligence.

Zortify, SnT Join Forces to Pioneer Ethical Use of AI Image


Zortify, SnT Join Forces to Pioneer Ethical Use of AI

Luxembourg-based human resources (HR) technology company Zortify and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) of the University of Luxembourg recently announced a new partnership aimed at pioneering the ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) and trust in a European HR context.

Zortify, named The Rising HR Tech of the Year Image


Zortify, named The Rising HR Tech of the Year

Following a global pandemic and all the social phenomena that have impacted the job market since then, how to show resilience and embrace the new values of a whole (disillusioned) generation? The 20th anniversary of the HR One Gala was arguably the perfect moment to discuss these topics with the awards’ winners.

Zortify & SnT Pioneer Next-Gen HR AI Tech Image

Silicon Luxembourg

Zortify & SnT Pioneer Next-Gen HR AI Tech

Zortify and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg have joined forces to pioneer next-generation artificial intelligence tailored for HR management. The collaboration aims to advance the ethical use of AI and promote trust in HR practices.

We Want To Go Beyond HR Tech And Pioneer Human Experience Management Image

Silicon Luxembourg

We Want To Go Beyond HR Tech And Pioneer Human Experience Management

On 10 May, we have the pleasure to invite Luxembourg’s HR Award Winner Zortify for our monthly Techie Night! Co-Founder & CEO Florian Feltes tells us more about the company. In a few sentences, what is your company and what do you offer to whom?

The Luxembourg HR Awards’ winners finally revealed! Image


The Luxembourg HR Awards’ winners finally revealed!

Casino 2000 (Mondorf-les-Bains) was in full swing yesterday for the 20th anniversary of the HR One Gala. This new edition was indeed a fantastic opportunity to spur the efforts and dedication of the whole HR community in Luxembourg, and reward the best solutions on the market.

Mitarbeitende tauschen Geld gegen Wertschätzung Image


Mitarbeitende tauschen Geld gegen Wertschätzung

Wer möchte nicht einen großartigen Arbeitsplatz haben? Arbeit stiftet Identität, knüpft Netzwerke und macht einen wesentlichen Teil unserer Lebenszeit aus. Wie also kann es sein, dass der Arbeitsplatz zum neuen Kampfplatz der Kulturen geworden ist? Gute Führung, Respekt und Heimarbeit sind entscheidend für die Zufriedenheit im Job.

Get To Know Luxembourg-Based AI Company, Zortify Image

Silicon Luxembourg

Get To Know Luxembourg-Based AI Company, Zortify

Zortify is a deep tech company located in Luxembourg, founded in 2018 by Co-Founders Florian Feltes and Marcus Heidbrink. Using artificial intelligence (AI) to translate complex data into easily understandable and usable insights, Zortify provides leaders with an additional source of information to help them make informed people decisions.

Narzissmus in deutschen Führungsetagen Die Jungbullen kommen Image

Harvard Business Manager

Narzissmus in deutschen Führungsetagen Die Jungbullen kommen

Narzissten in Unternehmen – das sind doch Führungskräfte vom alten Schlag, oder? Falsch. Die größte Studie zum Thema weltweit zeigt, dass junge Menschen heute narzisstischer sind als frühere Generationen. Spätestens bei der Besetzung von Führungspositionen wird das zum Problem. Was können Unternehmen tun?

Luxembourg’s grand plan for an advanced digital society Image

Financial times

Luxembourg’s grand plan for an advanced digital society

One of Europe’s smallest states has big ambitions to back private-sector innovation with government-led research. Can it succeed? Luxembourg prides itself on punching above its weight. In the 19th century the Grand Duchy developed one of Europe’s largest cast iron and steel industries…

Zortify Points Out Narcissism As A Risk Factor For Businesses Image

Silicon Luxembourg

Zortify Points Out Narcissism As A Risk Factor For Businesses

Zortify Points Out Narcissism As A Risk Factor For Businesses According to Zortify, a Luxembourgish AI-tech company, CEOs and CFOs who overestimate their own abilities and desire constant admiration and affirmation are most likely to commit fraud and exhibit a lack of integrity.

The composition of the team is the key to success Image


The composition of the team is the key to success

Ahead of the event “Start-up Stories: Round 1” hosted by the Luxembourg-City Incubator at the Host on Wednesday 20 March and sponsored by the Bil, one of the start-uppers in the running, Florian Feltes (Zortify), shares with us his vision of entrepreneurship.

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Chloé Broyot Content Manager

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