Employee analysis with AI: Make transparent what makes us transparent!

Employee analysis with AI: Make transparent what makes us transparent!

How much transparency is good for people and companies? – In times of Artificial Intelligence, the question of transparency has come back into focus. While we had slowly become accustomed to moving through the analogue and digital world as “transparent people”, the question of how transparent people and processes may, should and must be takes on new relevance due to the increased use of AI. This is because AI systems are able to influence decisions that have far-reaching consequences. For example for the success of companies, but also for the working lives of many people.

Transparency = Progress

In recent years, increasing transparency in companies has been a sign of progress. Many companies have realized that it doesn’t make sense to operate in silos. And that in the face of increasingly complex challenges, it is wiser to share knowledge and collaborate across departments. The classic hierarchy pyramid no longer has a good reputation. Many young talents in particular want a working environment at eye level, and the opportunity to help shape things instead of just executing them.

In organizations of a new type, there are dynamic roles instead of fixed positions, salaries and vacation days are sometimes openly visible or negotiated in the team. Some organizations are also embracing transparency in areas that were once clearly separated from the work context, such as physical and mental health. For example, there are codes, tools and processes if the colleague cannot attend the meeting due to a panic attack or the colleague with menstrual pain is not fully productive.

The vulnerable leader

There is also a growing awareness at management level of the importance of transparency to motivate teams, build trust and make the right decisions. Managers who show themselves to be fallible also take away their colleagues’ fear of making mistakes and thus create an environment in which new things can be tried out. By openly dealing with wrong decisions and setbacks, they reduce the likelihood that they will be repeated. Ideally, they act as mentors, let their employees participate in their learning and development process. And are thus role models and compasses for their team. Those who consistently live New Leadership do not see themselves as solution providers. But first and foremost as listeners and networkers with the aspiration to connect the right personalities at the right time and to bring them into the right positions in the company.

Really understand what’s going on with AI

This is exactly where artificial intelligence comes into play and with it a new level of possible transparency in organizations. This is because AI systems enable a deep understanding of the people who are involved with the organization. Whether as applicants or employees – their behaviours, motivations and emotions.

At Zortify, we use NLP (Natural Language Processing) tools and can thus achieve a level of Active Listening that only very few people master. Instead of just looking at CVs or job titles, we use open-ended questions and let the AI listen deeply. It not only processes what is said, but also recognizes what is really meant. And it can do that on a large scale. This way, it can significantly strengthen and support human intelligence instead of replacing it. Specifically, it can help people who are making decisions about other people’s next career move to make better decisions, significantly improving the quality of their work.

Making transparent what makes us transparent

AI that uses natural language to identify the personality of candidates, analyzes their entrepreneurial capital. And can also detect whether a person has a tendency towards toxic behavior creates an unprecedented level of transparency in organizations. This helps companies to find people who are a perfect fit for them. Expensive misplacements are avoided; team spirit and innovative strength are improved.

A look at the numbers:

  • Time it takes for a new hire to reach full productivity after a previous misplacement: 1 to 2 years
  • Time from new hire to profitability at middle management level: 6 months
  • Percentage of companies reporting a decline in morale due to poor hiring: 37%

Applicants also benefit because they are more likely to find a position that matches their personality in a company that shares their values.

However, it is also clear that this level of transparency places high demands on the ethical handling of the systems that generate it, i.e. AI. You could also say that a technology that makes people increasingly transparent must itself be very transparent: How does it come to its conclusions? What data does it base its analysis on? Up to what point can we understand the technology’s recommendations and where does the non-transparent part begin? What does this in turn mean for human decision-making?

Humans and AI hand in hand

We believe that humans must always be the last element in the chain when it comes to life-changing decisions. We see a future in which human and artificial intelligence work hand in hand, with humans having the final say. An ethical approach to transparent information begins with the question of ‘what for’? The use of AI must never be an end in itself, but must serve a clear goal. Ideally, this should be to change the (working) lives of everyone involved for the better.

In detail:

  • Recruiting: With transparent information, HR can identify candidates who align with the company’s values and goals. Win-win for companies and applicants.
  • Team dynamics: Transparency can foster trust and understanding between colleagues, allowing for better collaboration.
  • Self-efficacy: AI gives individuals insights into their unique characteristics, which can strengthen understanding of one’s actions, self-awareness, and social interaction.
  • Ownership: Knowing one’s own personality can help people feel responsible for themselves and their personal development and proactively drive it forward.
  • Leadership: Leaders who know their strengths and weaknesses and accept their vulnerability can create a humane and appreciative work environment.
  • Unleashing potential: Personalized employee development leads to individuals thriving in their roles.
  • Equal opportunities: By recognizing socially desirable behavior as such and looking behind the façade, AI creates better conditions for equal opportunities and diversity.
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