73% of all talents are ready to make a move – but only if you do!

73% of all talents are ready to make a move - but only if you do!

The shortage of skilled workers is reaching new record levels: according to a study by ManpowerGroup, 86% of German companies are struggling to find talent. When promising candidates suddenly drop out or are lured away by counter-offers, it’s not only frustrating but also expensive. Unfortunately, this is exactly what often happens.  

According to Greenhouse’s Candidate Experience Report, the majority of candidates find the recruitment process frustrating, unfair and inefficient – despite the high demand for labor. Other studies show a similar picture: according to “JobTeaser”, 41% of applicants cite excessively long decision-making processes as the main reason for abandoning an application process. Negative reviews or a poor company reputation can also act as a deterrent and lead to dropouts. 

The hidden costs of a lost candidate  

Candidates dropping out has far-ranging consequences:  

  • Time and money invested in the recruitment process is lost.   
  • Teams have to make do without the necessary support for longer, which can affect productivity.  
  • Frequent dropouts in application processes damage the company’s reputation and discourage further applicants. 

The reason why this keeps happening: Many companies are too passive throughout the entire process. Publish a job advertisement, then wait and see? That’s no longer enough. Successful recruiting requires proactive strategies in order to attract top talent and not have to rely on less qualified applicants.  

The active, strategic search for the best candidates should begin long before the actual application process. Thanks to new AI-based technologies, there are now innovative ways to target potential talent. According to the LinkedIn Talent Trends Report 2024, 73% of the global workforce is made up of passive candidates – people who are not actively looking but would still be willing to change jobs. A huge pool from which recruiters can draw.

Active sourcing reduces costs and increases retention  

Companies that actively approach talent benefit from lower time-to-hire and cost-per-hire values. At the same time, candidate satisfaction increases, provided they are approached individually and not flooded with generic recruitment emails.  

The key word is personalization. And no, a personal address in an email that is otherwise designed for mass mailing is not enough. Companies that show genuine interest in the skills and experience of applicants have a better chance of receiving a positive response. The second contact should therefore be personal and conversational. AI tools help to initiate a mutually beneficial exchange and combine data-based analysis with human relationship management.   

How exactly do they do this? 

The AI boost for active recruiting  

This is where our AI-based personality analysis from Zortify comes into play: Desired candidates first answer a set of open questions, the answers to which are analyzed by the AI. Key personality traits such as the Big Five, entrepreneurial thinking or self-efficacy are assessed.  

The analysis, including the respective answers, provides a wonderful basis for an in-depth discussion with the candidates and a structured interview: To what extent are individual answers particularly reflected in the results of the analysis? Which results on self-perception and assessment by the AI surprise them and why? In which areas of the company can they be most effective due to certain characteristics? And where do they see potential for development? At the same time, the analysis is a filter for companies to decide whether the candidates who appear promising at first glance really fit the role and the company.   

The de-briefing can take place in three ways:  

  • The recruiting team discusses the results directly with the candidates.    
  • The recruiting team evaluates the results together with Zortify and receives recommendations for action.  
  • Zortify takes over the de-briefing.  

The aim is not only to make interview processes more efficient, but also to improve their quality – through clear criteria and individual questions. If the profile is not ideal, the analysis report enables an appreciative, data-based refusal. This not only saves our clients 1-2 rounds of interviews, but also the candidates. The latter still take away a positive experience because they gain new insights about themselves and possible professional futures. The importance of this aspect is underlined by the figures from the Greenhouse study: for a good 68% of applicants, constructive feedback increases their motivation to contact the company again at a later date, even in the event of rejection. 

Conclusion: Rethinking recruiting  

So what does HR need in order to shape the application process in such a way that it not only results in short-term placements with outstanding candidates, but also in sustainable relationships with people in a growing talent pool? 

  • Rethinking: Less passive recruiting, more active sourcing.      
  • Personalization: Proactive and personal approach to candidates throughout the entire process
  • Skills development: HR teams need to familiarize themselves with active recruitment strategies and AI tools.
  • Gradual technology integration: Use browser-based solutions as a starting point to keep costs low.    
  • Suitable providers: Choose providers that not only deliver tools, but also offer coaching and ethical advice.
  • Focus on people: For both recruiters and candidates, people are the deciding factor.   

Companies that base their recruiting strategy on a proactive, people-centered foundation will attract the best talent in the long term. The figures show: Now is the right time to take action. 

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