The LPEA Academy 2024

Middle Management Training

After four successful editions regrouping more than 340 participants and 40 speakers, LPEA Academy is happy to propose you again a selection of foundation, intermediate and expert courses, inspired from the industry’s needs, expectations and delivered by seasoned hands-on practitioners.

Why attend?

This exclusive training, offered in collaboration with Zortify and LPEA Academy, is a unique blend of self-awareness and leadership skills development, designed to elevate your management and leadership capabilities.

What to expect?

Starting point for your journey is a personality assessment conducted by Zortify followed by three mastermind sessions with Sophia Karlsson, Senior Human Experience Manager:

1. Personality, Leadership, and Team Building: Understanding Your Strengths

2. Mastering Interpersonal Communication

3. Resilience and Self-Efficacy: Enhancing Your Entrepreneurial Capital